Bonsar Architects

Chizari Residential Building


Tehran’s Municipality Regulations About the plots locating on a junction together with the plot proportions, imposed a weird triangular footprint to the project. This confining rule turns out to be the beginning point of the design process. First the two edges of the triangle, which formed the façade, were unfolded and the whole façade was designed as one single face. After locating the spaces and designing the openings, the façade was folded back again, but this time none of the folding lines at each level were the same.


Location: Tehran

Design Date:2007

Completion: 2012

Project architect: Mohammad Majidi

Assistant Architects: Bahar Ehsan, Nazanin Azmayesh, Mehran Haghbin, Shahram Khosravi, Zahra khaniki, Azar Farshidi

Interior Design: Baghe-Irani

Interior design Architects: Mahsa Majidi

Interior Assistant architects: Anoushe ahmadi, Khorshid Mazaheri

Client: Ramtin Moayeri

Photographer: Ali Daghigh

Gross floor area: 1300 m²

Land Area: 231 m²

Structural Engineer: Kouros Tati

Mechanical Consultant: kambiz Pishaghadam

Electrical Consultant: Amir Azmayesh

Bonsar Architects | مهندسان معمار بن سار